Topic Modeling / Analysis of Science and Technology News
This project aims to provide an analytic of news documents using
topics generated by a machine learning algorithm. Streamlit is used as
the interface for showing all the analysis done on all scraped news
from websites like Popular Science, Discover Magazine and also Cosmos
Magazine. These websites are sites of popular Science and Technology
news outlets that caters more towards the general audience. The
articles are scraped using BeautifulSoup, while the visualizations are
done using Plotly. The LDA topic model was trained using the model
provided by Gensim. The topics provided by the LDA topic model serves
as the foundation for the all the analysis.
This project is a hobby project I made to solve the problem usually
faced by hosts of badminton sessions in which they would need to
divide the total fees among all the players. This is usually done
using a calculator app on the phone which can take some time. Through
this app, all you need is to key in the numbers for total court fees,
price of whole shuttle in one tube, how many of them were used and
lastly the numbers of players that are in the session. Then, the app
will straight up show the fee needed to be paid by each player.
This project is an expert system that can recommend to the users their
recommended daily calorie intake. This system will be making the
inference based on inputs of the users' height, weight, gender and
physical activeness. The inference are made using an Python inference
engine called 'experta'. The inference process are done on the Django
backend and results are then sent back to the React Native mobile app.
This project is another hobby project that I made in the hope of
promoting a car rental business. The React Native app provides
information to users of the cars that they provide for rental service
and the fee for each day. The user would then be able to go straight
to WhatsApp from the app by clicking a button, and a pre-made message,
asking the renter for the car they want to rent.
This project is a project that I made to help a homestay business in
managing all their bookings. The Electron app will show all the
bookings in a calendar view using a Javascript library called
FullCalendar.js. Through this app, the admin of the business would be
able to add, delete and edit bookings.